In our adult ESL classes, phonics instruction is limited to 'teachable moments' that arise in class during pronunciation exercises that require further explanation through the use of phonics. Personal student goals and program goals of educational level gain, unfortunately, monopolize class time and leave little or no instructional hours for pure phonics instruction. That is not to say that they would not benefit from phonics instruction, but time does not allow it. Many of our ESL students are introduced to an excellent phonics based computer program called, 'Ellis Master Pronunication'. This is one of the best pronunciation programs that I have seen in the area of phonics and pronunciation.
Native English speakers do receive direct phonics instruction in our Reading Improvement Clinic. We currently use the 'READ Test' published by New Readers Press. This one-on-one assessment effectively pinpoints strengths and weaknesses in regards to consonants, vowels, blends, etc. Also, the instructor has been using another informal assessment called 'Words Their Way'. New Readers Press also publishes an excellent phonics system called, 'Focus on Phonics' which is well written and very complete. Our reading instructor also uses the Lindmood/Bell Phonics method in the classroom.