What are some activities you use during the last class to celebrate what students have accomplished duirng the term in meaninful ways?
Party at my house the Friday after class! You're invited
I have tried two things:
1. I use chants and songs all through the term and I have specific chants concerning future plans etc..
2. I have them work on a dialogue and then present it during the final class
We share e-mail contacts, I give them my card and encourage them to use my name as a reference. We take lots of group photos. We write thank you letters to the teacher who allowed us to use the classroom.
I did something at the end of this year that I thought was meaningful and Jodi said it was a good idea too. :) I wanted to do something to motivate my students to continue learning during our long break between the end of this session (We are done already.) and the beginning of the next which doesn't start until October. That's a long time. Jodi told me that in the past that many of my students have forgotten most of what they learned over that long break. So, I created a learning contract for my students to signif they wanted to. It wasn't mandatory, but I really impressed upon them the importance so all of them did sign it. In the contract, I explained the importance of continuing their learning and reviewing what they have learned. Every paragraph was translated into Spanish so I knew they would really understand what I was expecting of them.I included a table of 20-25 ideas of ways to practice English over these 4 1/2 months. The table was was categorized according to writing, speaking, reading, and listening activities. For example, watching American TV was listed in the listening section of the table an, in fact, I even put it in the reading section after one of my students told me that she watches TV with English subtitles!! Great idea. Then after signing the contract, I provided them with a calendar of the months from May until October where I want them to list briefly whatever form of practice they didwrote a note, read a sign and checked with someone to see if they were correct, etc. I told them we will have a drawing in October and those people who bring in their calendars showing practice with English at least 5 days a week during this time period will have their names entered in the drawing. I will buy some $5 gift cards and offer them as prizes. They awere delighted with that. We'll see what happens. Wish me luck!!
I'm there Derek!!
It's great! I did it last session too. They all get together and make a list of stuff they're bringing. We had so much food and drinks we didn't even come close to finishing it all. And they spoke English almost the whole time!